Friday, January 22, 2010

Who is Icedhope?

Who is Icedhope?

That question has been passed around as one of the greatest mysteries of the last 24 years of his life. But, alas, now you will know him. He is the newest writer to GGG, and he has done almost amazing things. He served in the Iraq war. Has been active in playing video games for over 21 years, and may have killed a man over a dish of Tapioca pudding*. Some of his favorite games; Everything Sam & Max, Resident Evil, Killer Insinct, Mortal Kombat , Monkey Island, and, last but not least, Lassie…err.. I mean Final Fantasy 1-9. The list goes on, but believe me, and who ever lays upon this. He is truly amazing,** or at least a sight to be witnessed. He has written a review on Brutal Legend, and is currently working on his Uncharted 1&2 for a special double review.

*Did not actually kill a man over tapioca pudding, just made him regret grabbing the last snack pack.

**Not quite as awesome as Tom. But at least was around, when the NES was first launched.


  1. IcedHope? Got some obsession with the italics key? :D

  2. I happen to like Italics they are pretty to mine eyes.
